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President’s Report – August 2015

The Best From the Best

It is a sad fact that the majority of companies that install fire sprinklers do not belong to either national association. Generally speaking, most of the “non-joiners” are smaller companies that are so busy staying one step ahead they think they don’t have the luxury of joining the Association, or they want to take advantage of the labor of others in expanding and improving the industry. What they don’t realize is that AFSA will help them stay informed and improve their bottom line. Active AFSA members represent the very best in this industry, and they haven’t hesitated to share their knowledge to the betterment of the industry.

Joining AFSA isn’t a luxury – it is a good business move. By participating in AFSA, a company opens doors to learning the best from the best – the best methods of training, the best installation practices, the best insurance practices, the best safety practices, and the best management practices. Companies benefit from the many years of shared experiences in all phases of this industry.

During the AFSA Convention & Exhibition in Phoenix, attendees will benefit from a wide variety of seminars designed to improve your company and keep you up-to-date. You will learn about how to build an inspection team, job costs and estimating, contractor liability, corrosion, CPVC compatibility issues, field supervisor training, cash flow management, and technical issues related to a number of NFPA standards. All of this information is offered by some of the best minds in the industry with years of experience to add a practical side.

It’s all about community….

Sure, in an attempt to stay on top of changing technology and acquire business skills, non-members can buy books, browse the Internet or subscribe to management services. But in most cases these resources are not specific to the fire sprinkler industry – they are not based on the hundreds of years of combined experience that is shared through AFSA.

What sets AFSA apart from other services and resources is community – the sharing of knowledge and experience for others. AFSA members work together to improve their companies and improve their industry. Those who choose not to participate in AFSA are outsiders looking in. They are not a part of the cooperative community that participates on standards-making committees that determine the practices of the industry, or develops materials to be used in everyday company operations or fights restrictive fitter licensing laws.

For many years, AFSA has provided a community that is in the business of sharing knowledge and practices. We continue to stay on top of a changing industry. Can anyone doubt that members of AFSA represent the best of the fire sprinkler industry? If you are a member, you maximize the value of your membership by actively participating – so get involved! If you are not a member, you are invited to help yourself and your company by joining with others in AFSA to share the best of what this industry has to offer. 

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Steve A. Muncy, CAE is President of the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) based in Dallas, Texas. He joined the AFSA staff in 1988 and served as Executive Vice President for three years before being named President in January 1992. As President, Muncy is the spokesperson for AFSA and, in turn, for the merit shop fire sprinkler industry. He is in charge of the administration and management of the national headquarters of AFSA as well as heading external relations with other industry associations and internal relations with chapters and state associations. Muncy serves on the Board of Directors of the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition and the National Advisory Committee of the Congressional Fire Services Institute. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). He is a member of the American Society of Association Executives and is a member and Past President of the Dallas/Fort Worth Association Executives. He is a past board member of the Texas Society of Association Executives. In 1992, he earned a Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation and is one of only 2,500 worldwide to hold this certification. Muncy is a graduate of the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science.

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