AFSA will hold a live side-by-side burn demonstration during its annual convention and exhibition at the JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge in Phoenix, Tuesday, October 13 from 11:45 am to 12:30 pm.

Live Side-by-Side Burn Demonstration at AFSA 2015 Convention in Phoenix

A side-by-side demonstration is one of the best education tools to show the power of fire sprinklers. Two rooms are constructed: one with a fire sprinkler system, the other without. Then, a fire is lit in each room. Home fire sprinklers are designed to activate when the air in the room reaches a certain temperature. As the temperature goes up in the sprinkler-protected side, the sprinklers will activate to control, and in many cases, extinguish the fire. In contrast, the fire in the room without sprinklers will show just how quickly a fire can grow to engulf a space.

Following Fire Prevention Week (October 4-10), the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) will hold a live side-by-side burn demonstration during its annual convention and exhibition at the JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge in Phoenix, Arizona, Tuesday, October 13th from 11:45 am to 12:30 pm. The local fire department will be on hand to put out the fire in the unsprinklered room and answer questions. Come see how efficient fire sprinkler systems are at this free, live burn demonstration.

By now, you’ve surely heard about the 30+ seminars scheduled, the recent sell-out of the Exhibit Hall, the top 7 Apprentice Competition Finalists, the special events, and the extra fun slated for AFSA’s 34th annual Convention & Exhibition in Phoenix, October 10-13, 2015.

How can so much be packed into four days?  Come and see for yourself.  Current discounted convention registration rates will expire September 4. Visit

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