Sprinkler System Design in Mind?

Dates for 2016 Beginning Fire Sprinkler System Planning School Announced

The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) has released the 2016 dates for its Beginning Fire Sprinkler System Planning School. Next year, schools will be held January 11-22, February 8-19, April 4-15, May 16-27, July 18-29, and October 3-14. New for 2016, the schools will feature the 2016 edition of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.

“We will be using the 2016 edition of NFPA 13, explaining the modifications between the 2016 edition and the 2013 edition. We will also be explaining the impact of those modifications,” states AFSA Director of Technical Program Development & Codes Phill Brown, S.E.T., C.F.P.S. and one of the school’s instructors.

The school’s instruction is geared towards those with limited experience who need assistance with design and those wanting to refresh their experience. In two short weeks, students receive  a wealth of instruction. Sixty percent is study and review of the 2016 edition of NFPA 13. The other 40 percent of class time is devoted to preparing fire sprinkler system layouts, shop drawings and hydraulic calculations. This comprehensive training is designed to train a beginner to be productive immediately upon returning to work.

The students learn by actually planning and drawing sprinkler systems while studying and applying NFPA 13. This school will prepare the student to:

  • Accelerate the comprehension of plans and various types of building construction for proper sprinkler spacing applications.
  • Determine the proper and economical planning of fire sprinkler system layout and installation methods.
  • Identify the importance of sprinkler specifications, types of pipe, hangers, fittings, flow tests, etc.
  • Develop shop drawings from start to finish.
  • Coordinate with other trades – plumbing, mechanical, structural, and electrical.
  • Perform manual hydraulic calculations. This prepares the student for an easier decision-making process when using a computer to perform hydraulics.
  • Prepare shop drawings in class for projects with different applications.

The school is held at AFSA’s Training Center in Dallas. Brown and AFSA Staff Engineer Tom Wellen, P.E. lead the school. Brown, a NICET Level IV, CFPS,  has an associate degree in Applied Science/Fire Science and has 52 years of industry involvement, including 27 years of contracting experience. He represents the interest of AFSA and its members in the building codes. He also serves on several National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) technical committees.

Wellen holds a bachelor of science degree in Engineering Technology, Fire Protection and Safety Technology from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and is actively involved with the NFPA and Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). He has over 20 years of designing, testing, reviewing, and engineering experience. He is a registered fire protection engineer in Texas and California. Wellen also serves on several NFPA committees.

Registration for each school is open only to AFSA members six weeks prior to the school start date. Registration opens up to non-members after that. The cost for AFSA members is $1,200 and $2,000 for non-members. Enrollment for each school is limited. For more information and to register online, visit AFSA’s website at firesprinkler.org.

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