ARGCO and Arkansas Chapter Build Trailer as a Recruitment Tool

Two forces have come together to increase awareness about the fire protection industry. ARGCO and the Arkansas Fire Sprinkler Contractors Association, a chapter of the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA), have created a demonstration trailer showcasing the industry and its opportunities.

“We’re using this trailer to help recruit the next generation of fire sprinkler professionals,” comments Chapter Executive Director Coleman Farrar, CEO at Fire Sprinkler Advisory Services, LLC, in Van Buren, Ark. “We attended the NWA Build My Future event in Springdale this year, which brought in over 1,600 high school students,” says Farrar. “We also attended ABC’s Build My Future event in Conway with similar results.”

The idea for the trailer came up during a 2023 chapter meeting. Jackie Dolan with ARGCO was talking to Owner Jim Stoddard, and he quickly directed Dolan to purchase a trailer and truck to haul it. The trailer was outfitted at Contractor Member Northwest Fire Protection in Fort Smith with several different wet pipe risers and four mounted TVs displaying career information.

Students walk through the trailer at the NWA Build My Future event.

“We appreciate all the support ARGCO provides for our chapter. Whatever we’ve dreamed up, they’ve been super supportive,” states Farrar. “They really stepped up to the plate.”

The trailer has hit the road running. In April, it was on display at the AFSA Mid-Year Leadership Conference, where chapter officers from around the country gathered to exchange ideas and information at AFSA’s headquarters in Richardson, Texas. In June, it traveled to the NFPA Conference & Expo in Orlando and was on display in ARGCO’s booth in the exhibit hall. This fall, ARGCO will showcase it at AFSA43 in Denver.

Russell Bryant with ARGCO comments, “This was a perfect opportunity to get involved. Our customers have always directed us on the future on our company—when they need something, we get it. We love partnering up with our fellow contractors. People joining together with local chapters is the best way we can gain power.”

For more information about the trailer and the chapter, email Farrar at or Bryant at 

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