Join the American Red Cross to Educate Homeowners
The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) and the American Red Cross have joined forces to educate homeowners about home fire safety and residential fire sprinkler systems. Since 2014, the Red Cross’ Home Fire Preparedness campaign has installed more than one million smoke alarms in homes across the country. In 2018, AFSA’s Public Education & Awareness Committee worked with the Red Cross to include fire sprinkler information in its campaign. And, last year, AFSA volunteers participated in the annual “Sound the Alarm” campaign, a series of home fire safety and smoke alarm installation events across the country. Together with fire departments and other community partners, Red Cross volunteers to canvas at-risk neighborhoods, install free smoke alarms, replace batteries in existing alarms, and provide fire prevention and safety education that includes fire sprinklers.
“Sound the Alarm”
AFSA’s Communications Coordinator Rebecca Herring volunteered for the 2019 event. “It was an amazing experience that really gave me the opportunity to put my passion to work. Knowing about and monetarily supporting the campaign and our partnership is one thing, but being out there meeting people, seeing faces, and impacting lives in person is a completely different, and refreshing, opportunity!”
During the 2019 Sound the Alarm campaign, 100,000 smoke alarms were installed, more than 30,000 volunteers helped during the event, and over $15,000,000 was raised. This year’s annual campaign will be held April 18-May 3, 2020, all across the United States.

Paulene Norwood, executive director of AFSA’s Sacramento Valley Chapter, also participated in last year’s campaign. “I volunteered by installing smoke detectors and organizing emergency evacuation plans with residents in Woodland, California,” comment Norwood. “I was proud to be there representing AFSA and celebrating its partnership with the Red Cross. It was such a great experience that I plan to sign up again!”
To volunteer in your area, visit and click on “Volunteer” to find the Sound the Alarm link. Sign up to make a difference in your community!
Home Fire Preparedness
Each year, the Red Cross responds to an average of more than 60,000 disasters, the vast majority of which are home fires. The organization set a goal to reduce fire-related deaths and injuries in the US by 25 percent. On average:
- Seven people die every day from a home fire, most impacting children and the elderly.
- Thirty-six people suffer injuries as a result of home fires every day.
- Over $7 billion in property damage occurs every year.
Launched in 2014, the Home Fire Campaign has already accomplished so much:
- Six hundred and sixty-nine lives saved.
- Over two million smoke alarms installed.
- Over 850,000 households made safer.
- Over 1.5 million youth reached through the campaign.
“Join AFSA to help families prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from home fires by volunteering or making a donation,” says AFSA Region 5 Director and Chair of AFSA’s Public Education & Awareness Committee Jeff Phifer, president and CEO of Crawford Sprinkler Company of South Carolina, Lugoff, South Carolina. “Together we can have an impact and keep families safer from fire.”
Volunteer or donate today! Sign up for the 2020 event or make a tax-deductible donations online at
[divider}EDITOR’S NOTE: While the American Red Cross has currently postponed the “Sound the Alarm” campaign, AFSA continues its partnership with the organization to educate homeowners about the benefits of residential fire sprinkler systems through the Red Cross’ “Home Fire Preparedness” campaign. Donations can be made online 24/7 at You can use the AFSA giving portal to donate and direct funds to any of the Red Cross efforts across the country. Using this link helps support AFSA’s inclusion of sprinklers in the American Red Cross’ Home Fire Preparedness campaign at the same time. All funds still go to your directed campaign. Give today at